Weird Japanese Candy & Snacks and Their Flavours

by canberk | Last Updated: January 17, 2022

Candy is notoriously wild, particularly in Japan. Some Japanese candy and snacks sound worse than they are (toilet sweetheart, anybody?), and a few apparently harmless sweeteners are just mouth pucking disasters waiting for your reflex to kick off.

Some sweets are utterly intricate, do-it-yourself inventions, and others are simply strange.

Have you ever considered a hamburger-flavored drop of cough? Well you are going to. Well, you’re about to. Are you sick with a small flavor of Kit Kat? Japan is about to realize its dreams. (or horrendous repeating nightmares).

In general, Japan’s pop culture is interesting. It’s fun — sometimes mischievous — and at times bizarre and puzzling.

No stone is left unturned when it comes to the utter dumpling of sweets in your mouth in all directions, wherever your taste tastes range from sour to salty, from sweet to savory.

While many flavors are subject to a cultural disparity as to what does good or what does not, some Japanese candy go beyond “weird” and take it too far. There is one thing that is valid.

We listed the weirdest Japanese candy:

Sasebo Burger Drops

Japan has some ‘downs’ that have a food taste, but no one seems to get as much attention as the Sasesbo Drops. Sasebo is a popular burger chain in Japan, so it makes sense to focus this taste in something that seems like a lozenge in your throat…

perhaps Willy Wonka’s “diner” gum was the thought train or perhaps what we see is that the food science has become awkward (think about any old cartoon depicting the instant food from the future). It certainly did not make sense to place a sugar layer on a synthetic burger-flavored dressing, no matter what the case may be.

Toilet Candy


If in the dumb world anything is better than spraying the sugar mix, we have not found it yet, that you slip out of a tiny john. With your (somehow) famous toilet candy, Moko Moko Mocolet fulfills your long-term dream of drinking from a toilet with a painting. I think everyone can agree that these are one of the weirdest Japanese candy.

Japan also loves candy with assembly directions, as you can see later in this list, and Moko Moko is no different. Assemble your own water closet (it comes in plastic frame pieces), pour the blend into the tank, add some water and, in just a few seconds, you’ve got a fizzy, frothy and sweet, sensational toilet bowl.

Gorilla Boogers


There are several items on this list that are only very technically qualified as sweets. Legumes do not usually come with the same clothing brand, but candy has a long tradition of fun names. No exception is “Gorilla Boogers” Why doesn’t love the monkey mucus snacking idea?

You will be consuming shrink-filled, sweetened black beans that look like raisins if you continue to try a fresh batch of primate picks. Gorilla Boogers might potentially be a welcome substitute if you’ve ever got a mini box of Halloween raisins.

Durian Candy


A fruity candy? To be included in the list is far too ordinary. In the first place, it seems very natural, but someone who has been in the same room as the Durian fruit will show how completely disturbing it is.

The stench of the Durian fruit is so enthralling defined as “turpentine and onions, decorated with a stick of a gym.” The 50 chemical compounds in the Durian rumors that drinking and consuming Durian fruit will kill you at the same times are responsible and the capacity of the fruit to prevent the breakdown of alcohol in your liver.

Do you want to find out weirdest chocolate flavors too? We listed them for you to check it.

Brain Candy

Sugar is backed by evidence that it is addictive, but it may be called medicine. You can grasp the reality of good, old-fashioned jones of sugar when you have ever related the episode of “Seinfeld,” where Elaine is accustomed to continuously eat midday cake. However, Aha in Japan is not happy to rely exclusively on sugar to hook its users!

Brain candy adds various supplements to enhance the functioning of your brain. Or something… Aha! Or something.

The brain has a range of tastes (or colors at least) and numerous vitamin choices, including GABA, BCAA, and Forskolin. So when you have a hunger for Forskolin next time, take a box of Aha! Brain that comes complete with brain teasers.

Gummy Collagen Candy


The first thing we tend to think about in America is lip injections like those which give these Kardashian lips the so desired extra pout. In America, we think about collagen as well.

Studies say that the use of collagen potentially benefits biologically, such as reversing skin aging, building muscle, burning fat and removing angry cellulite.

However, it is pedestrian to take normal collagene supplements when you can eat a bag full of collagen candy balls just as easily.

The candy-medicine maniacs in Kracie were made with a chewy rose-flavored collagen sweet infused with hyaluronic acid, the “man smelling gum” Incorporated. Care and sweetheart in one…

Tamagogani (Candied Baby Crabs)


There’s a new Snack Crate you have, and you’re a snack connoisseur now well-traveled. You explored the world’s tinniest potato chips, from Canada’s ketchup aroma chips to Turkey’s Mediterranean spicy chips.

We also listed weirdest Lay’s flavors. You can browse them too.

What now? Meet Tamagogani—response Japan’s to the planet’s bland, blurred candied chips. Although some foods conceal their true shape in a tricky coating of chocolate or sugar, what these are: baby crabs in candy cannot be avoided.

Tamagoganes are baked as young people, then freeze-dried or candied while their shells are still soft. They look bad, yes, but how are they going to taste? Let us know… Let us know… Since hopefully we would not have taste-testing around this one.

We know that there are more weird Japanese candy around Japan. We choose these.