Is it Weird to Collect Action Figures?

by Weirdo | Last Updated: January 3, 2021

For various common purposes, many individuals collect toys. Toys are an important part of growth in childhood. It is an aspect of growing up. Is it weird to collect action figures, though?


Many say toys conjure sweet memories of infancy. Know how we played games and exchanged our toys when we were young with our friends? Toys remind us of our infancy. 

Characters from a movie, comic book, video game, or television show are often the origin of an action figure. 

Most action figures are made of plastic and have mobile pieces at least, and are typically sold to boys and adult collectors. So, when it comes to lovers of action figures, there’s no such thing as strange.

Are Action Figures Worth Collecting?

Collecting action figures can be a passion that can be incredibly fun and satisfying for adults too. It’s not just one of the weird things we did as a kid.

Again, it can make you feel like a child. It will encourage you to celebrate your passion for your favorite movie, TV show or comic book. And it can become a perfect financial investment if you buy wisely when many estimates hit hundreds of dollars’ worth on the collectible market. 

We all know that figures of action are cool, but what is the deeper justification for choosing to gather figures of action as opposed to, say, stamps or coins?

The response to this question will assist you to make wiser purchases and create a stronger collection overall. 

Are you a fan of one movie specifically? You may then want to restrict the set to action figures based on the film (e.g., collecting only Star Wars figures).

Are you a fan of comics? Then you may want to concentrate your set on a single character, tales, movies, or TV shows.

How to Start an Action Figure Collection?

Now, if you believe it’s not weird to collect action figures, it’s time to start.

You should launch your collection by making some smart initial purchases until you have a clear sense of why you want to collect action figures.

Start by doing a little homework by reading news pages and fan forums for online action figures. They’re going to let you know what is hot and what isn’t. 

Find Your Niche 

You may like Star Wars as well as Star Trek and you also like to read comics at the same time, particularly the new DC 52, but I would like to encourage you to restrict your collection instead of purchasing all the action figures of all the characters you like. 

It is unlikely (unless you can afford it), but it helps to decide what you want to work on as soon as possible. 

For other crucial items, restricting your collection to only one or two themes will hold more money in your pocket.

This would discourage you from engaging in some action figure that catches your attention. 

If you are a specific fan of a single movie, then based on it, just restrict your set.

If you liked Star Wars, then you should stick to Star Wars. If you’re into mecha anime like Gundam, then you may want to start the theme-based collection.

And, if you’re a collector of comics, then you might just want to base your collection on figures like Batman, Superman, or Spider-Man. And if you want a single character only, i.e. Iron Man of Team Avengers, you’re going to get a lot in your side, i.e. Mark VII from Iron Man and Mark IV from Iron Man. 

Some can be bought in a package, see below for a preview, which will make it easier to start a list. 

Purchasing Options 

Toy parts in the area’s stores: Look up and down the aisle of the action figure. We’re searching for Spider-Man figures, for instance, and we’re only going to encourage ourselves to purchase the best two. With some luck, with the beginnings of a fantastic collection, you will be walking out. 

Thrift shops, garage sales, and flea markets: Some dealers really don’t know what they have, but you have a decent shot of buying old action figures on the collectible market for a fraction of their going cost.

They could be in bad shape (lack of color, lacking accessories, etc.), so you’re going to have to determine how critical you are. 

Make Connections with Other Collectors

There are several blogs, newsgroups, and forums on the internet that you can enter and simply connect to find other individuals that like the same topic. Good results will also appear in a Google search.

Visit and find other enthusiasts at the closest specialty store. Using as many data points as you can find. Finding them will also encourage you more and you will forget about whether it’s weird to collect action figures.

Often figures are simple “repacks” where a previous iteration of a character is taken by the company and inserted in new packaging. You may end up buying two of the same products if you are not told. 

This pages can also allow you to recognise the distinction between a collectible action figure designed for sale by enthusiasts and toys designed for children to enjoy.

It is not unusual for a buyer to purchase an online action figure believing that it is the item of a collector, just to end up with a toy that he might pick up at any toy store that has little to no use for collecting! 

Show Your Action Figure Collection

A lot of consideration should be poured into how the numbers should be shown.

For making a pleasing set, this is just as critical as the figures you purchase. Many furniture and department stores with racks and glass doors offer exquisite display cases.

These are perfect for showcasing collections in your house or office in a particular location, and help prevent your collection from spreading all over the place. A pair of tall, coordinating bookshelves fit just as well if you can’t find a good display case.

Best Action Figures for Adults Who Won’t Grow Up

We have listed the most loved action figures to give you an idea and help to find your niche.

Iron Man

  1. Avengers

Batman & Joker

  1. Spider Man 

Captain America 

weird to collect action figures captain america

Super Mario

collect super mario action figures


If you convinced for collecting action figures is not weird this is the step by step starting guide.