Is Changing Your Name Weird?

by Weirdo | Last Updated: January 3, 2021

You will like to change your name for many occasions, mostly after a marriage or divorce. Or maybe your given name doesn’t describe you. It is just as natural as changing the color of your hair!


Generally speaking, the method of legitimately altering your name entails petitioning to amend your name by using your current name.

What is a Good Reason to Change Your Name?

There are various reasons which are not weird at all! To give you some ideas, we have listed plenty of good ones below: 

How to Tell People That You Changed Your Name?

You may find changing your name and telling it to people weird at first but keeping it simple may help. Being consistent and honest is the only philosophy you need in this new process. To make it easier, you can use some technology. 

For family members, you can just say that you changed your name and secondly tell them your new name.

How to Legally Change Your Name in the US?

You require court-sanctioned verification of your birth name, such as a birth certificate, and proof of citizenship in your state, if you prefer to change your name legally.

Then you will fill out a series of paperwork to justify that this change should be given to you by the judge. You pay them a fee that varies by jurisdiction, but usually costs at least $150, and then swear an oath that you’re not attempting to stop paying off your debts.

They do not take your word for it, because in the trial you’re going to have to make the same promises. 

Typically, for some reason, a person can adopt any name desired. As of 2009, 46 states allow an individual to change names legally by use alone, without documentation, but certain institutions (such as banks or government institutions) will need a court order to formally approve the change.

While the states (except Louisiana) follow common law, there are variations of appropriate requirements; the most successful means to change names (as can be requested in a state court) is typically a court order, except for marriage, which has become a widely recognized justification for a change of name. 

As aliens apply for naturalization, under U.S. immigration law, they have the option of applying for their names to be changed without extra payments on grants of citizenship.

This offers them the option to adopt more names that are Americanized. An appeal requesting a name change is ready to be referred to a federal court after the naturalization interview.

Applicants certify that they do not request a name change for any illegal reason, such as debt avoidance or law enforcement evasion. Such a name change will become permanent if, once a federal judge naturalizes a claimant, it is under their jurisdiction. 

It is desirable to acquire a type to preserve the identity of an individual.


So if you asked yourself “Is changing your name weird?”, we have written the reasons why a person would like to change their name.

It’s a natural process for those who aren’t comfortable with their current one. Besides, free will and freedom of choice are essential for human rights.